
FISME came into being in 1995 as a Federation of geographical and sectoral associations of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in India spread across districts and states. It was established as National Alliance of Young Entrepreneurs (NAYE) in 1967- when Indian government started monumental initiatives for small industry promotion.

India was a different country then, inward looking, interventionist and hugely protectionist. NAYE had a contextual agenda which suited that era. After India’s embarking upon liberalization in 1991 and its accession to WTO in 1995, it called for a fundamentally different approach for SME promotion. NAYE along with 8 state level associations gave birth to FISME to lead SMEs in the changed economic realities.

Its mind set, mission and activities have been shaped by these national and global developments.

FISME’s Focus

FISME focuses primarily on trade and market access issues and reforms with the twin objective of establishing entrepreneurial and competitive environment at home and greater market access for Indian SMEs in India and abroad.


Survival and growth of manufacturing MSMEs.

The Organization

FISME is a not-for-profit, politically neutral and democratically run organization recognized as such by Government of India granting it Income Tax benefit for 12 A and 80 HAC. Its apex decision making body is the Central Executive Committee (CEC) comprising of elected members (maximum 30) of which 1/3rd members retire every year.

After election for vacant posts, the CEC elects a President for one year term who nominates its team of office bearers. FISME is ISO ;9001;2008 certified organisation and also has been complying accreditation standards for BMOs and awarded Gold Grade at National Level by Quality Council of India.

FISME Secretariat, having its head office in New Delhi and regional offices in Bangalore and Hyderabad, is a professionally run set-up headed by a full time Secretary General supported by the largest team among all MSME associations in the country.

Thematic work areas

The key thematic areas of work at FISME constitute:

  • Securing market access for MSMEs in India and abroad and ensuring competitive functioning of factor-markets
  • Advocating for reforms in regulatory environment and promotional policies to enhance competitiveness of SMEs vis-à-vis their larger domestic counterparts and foreign firms through research and dialogue
  • Executing MSME development projects supported by Indian government as well as by all major multilateral and bilateral bodies in India such as UNIDO, ILO, UNCTAD, DFID, GIZ among others.

Thematic areas of Work